
Zrównoważone nawozy specjalistyczne

Wyjątkowa gama wysokowydajnych płynnych, stałych i rozpuszczalnych nawozów na bazie siarki pozwalających na precyzyjne odżywianie roślin, optymalizację plonów oraz uzyskanie najwyższej jakości i zrównoważonego rozwoju.
Nasza gama produktów
  • compliments

    Tessenderlo Kerley International świętuje Światowy Dzień Komplementów

    Our team is one in a melon! Today, on International Compliment Day, we're celebrating our incredible team! From agronomists to commercial advisers, engineers to operators, every member of our global family contributes to our 175-year legacy of excellence, spanning over 100 countries. We're proud and grateful for each and every one! To show our...


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  • india

    Tessenderlo Kerley India współpracuje z rządem i przemysłem na rzecz przyszłości

    By 2047, a total of 1.6 billion mouths will require nourishment in India. At Tessenderlo Kerley International, we believe sustainable agriculture holds the key to feeding this growing population while simultaneously safeguarding our planet. Our commitment? It’s all about empowering farmers with the precise tools and most advanced education to...


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  • rapeseed

    Nasi polscy partnerzy uczestniczą w konferencji na temat rzepaku

    At Tessenderlo Kerley, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of sustainable agriculture with our innovative water-soluble potash fertilizers and sulfur-based solutions. That's why last week our Polish consultants participated in several Polish conferences organized by Rapool, the European leader in rapeseed production. A highlight was a...


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  • wheat

    Francuski rolnik osiąga świetne wyniki dzięki zastosowaniu Thio-Sul®

    Witness success in action! Our distributor AMALTIS is pleased to share the story of a satisfied local farmer in Charente who achieved incredible success using Tessenderlo Kerley International's liquid fertilizer Thio-Sul® mixed with UAN on wheat! The results speak volumes! And seeing the positive impact firsthand reaffirms our commitment to...


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  • bulgaria

    Nasi bułgarscy koledzy biorą udział w dwudniowym szkoleniu dla rolników

    Our Bulgarian K-Leaf® customer Biofert organized a dynamic 2-day event with nearly 100 farmers and industry experts worldwide. Our passionate experts Roxana and Catalin were happy to share our insights on Tessenderlo Kerley International's global presence, our sustainable product solutions and the crucial role of potassium and sulfur in crop...


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  • Geleen

    Minął rok od rozpoczęcia prac budowlanych w Tessenderlo Kerley Geleen

    Exactly a year ago, we laid the foundation stone marking the beginning of the Tessenderlo Kerley Geleen construction. The construction of our state-of-the-art Thio-Sul® factory has been a whirlwind of progress, shaping up at an incredible pace. In 2024, this facility will be in full swing, producing our renowned Thio-Sul®. Reflecting on a year of...


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  • India

    Tessenderlo Kerley India organizuje tydzień szkoleń z zakresu uprawy roślin kwiatowych

    Our Indian CaTs® and KTS® distributor MAL is delving into the blooming world of floriculture - gerberas, roses, chrysanthemums, marigolds, and more! Their focus spans open fields and poly/net houses, using drip irrigation. Tessenderlo Kerley International's experts are lending massive support. Our agronomist, Herman Eijkelboom, led training...


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  • Cuijk

    Bułgarscy partnerzy odwiedzają zakład produkcji zbiorników w Tessenderlo Kerley Cuijk

    We were delighted to receive our Bulgarian partners to visit our tank facility at Tessenderlo Kerley Cuijk in The Netherlands. At this hub, we store our premium liquid fertilizers, making sure we always have product available to power crops with vital nutrients at any moment the crop needs it. Sharing experiences together with our commercial and...


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  • students

    Studenci z wizytą w naszym zakładzie w Ham

    Tessenderlo Kerley International hosted a group of university students from KU Leuven Faculteit Industriële Ingenieurswetenschappen - Campus Diepenbeek at our Ham plant today. Together with Michiel Vrijsen, our process engineer, they got to dive into the wonders of the chemical industry. As Michiel puts it: “I love leading them through this...


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