All you need to know about growing healthy juice tomatoes
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Originating from the Andean regions of Peru, North Chile and Ecuador. Tomatoes are the most widely grown vegetable. The worldwide annual production of tomatoes is more than 180 million tons, cultivated on 4.7million hectares.
Originating from the Andean regions of Peru, North Chile and Ecuador. Tomatoes are the most widely grown vegetable. The worldwide annual production of tomatoes is more than 180 million tons, cultivated on 4.7million hectares. Both fresh and processing tomatoes can be cultivated in open field conditions, however in order to better control growing conditions, tomatoes are often grown in poly-houses. Growing the plants under plastic avoids exposing the plants to rain and therefore reduces the risk of fungal diseases. Also, the average temperature is higher, and this is an advantage when outside temperatures are low.
The most high-tech cultivation is the growth of tomatoes in greenhouses where they are grown in substrate (mainly rock wool or coco-peat) with support of carbon dioxide and artificial light. As a result, a product on of1000 tons of tomatoes per hectare annually can be possible using these high-tech conditions. With such high production levels, the tomato crop not surprisingly requires a high amount of fertilizers.
Tomatoes contain high levels of potassium, phosphate and iron. They are also a source of vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin and lycopenes. Lycopenes are known for their antioxidant properties and can play a role in the prevention of cataracts, cancer, blood high pressure, and neuropathic pain as well as having other health benefits.
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