Small Fruits

Small fruits

The consumption of small fruits is widely appreciated in the form of fresh fruit, jams or cordials. Consequently, global production is on the increase thanks to a larger cropping area, new varieties and a better use of inputs, in particular fertilizers.

Strawberry is the most important small fruit crop, and, for this crop, fertilization practices are well documented. However, for certain other small fruits, it may be more difficult to obtain specific information. As a rule, however, they prefer neutral to acid soils of a loamy-sandy nature rather than sandy-clayey ones.

Mineral nutrition can vary widely according to the cropping system and to the yield expectation, but it is important to remember that small fruit are chloride-sensitive crops, particularly gooseberries, currant varieties and strawberries. Consequently, chloride-containing fertilizers are best avoided in small fruit fertilization.


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